Of art and of land


  • Christine Fentz




A presentation of the performing artwork of Secret Hotel and the work of Earthwise Residency – both entities work with the more-than-human, and therefore with an innate sustainable set of values. This also applies to the biannual interdisciplinary symposium Earthbound, which is also presented.


Christine Fentz

Christine Fentz has an MA in Dramaturgy and trained as a performer and director in group theatre in Germany. She is Artistic Director of the performance theatre Secret Hotel, Aarhus, and hostess at Earthwise Residency, Mols where she lives. Her focus is participatory work and the more-than-human. Secret Hotel and Earthwise organise the biannual alternative symposium Earthbound where artists and researchers together investigate the state of planet Earth. Has been co-editor for Nordic Summer University and Independent Performing Artists. Published with Dark Mountain, “ARK” (2022), www.dark-mountain.net.


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Secret Hotel





Fentz, C. (2022). Of art and of land. Peripeti, 19(37), 168–181. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v19i37.135201