Seeking Performance Sustainability within Disability


  • Molly Joyce



The disability community has traditionally been left out of sustainability conversations. Disability is often seen as a “blind spot” in such frameworks (Miethlich 2019) and is not considered part of sustainability metrics (Beyond Green,2019). Therefore, it is pertinent to investigate what sustainability can manifest within the institutional and aesthetic circumstances of disability arts, specifically through the lens of disabled artists across performative disciplines.


Molly Joyce

Molly Joyce has been deemed one of the “most versatile, prolific and intriguing composers working under the vast new-music dome” by The Washington Post. Her music has additionally been described as “serene power” (New York Times), written to “superb effect” (The Wire), and “unwavering” and “enveloping” (Vulture). Her work is concerned with disability as a creative source. She has an impaired left hand from a previous car accident. The primary vehicle in her pursuit is her electric vintage toy organ, an instrument she bought on eBay and engages her disability on an artistic level. Molly is a graduate of Juilliard, Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Yale, an alumnus of the YoungArts Foundation, and holds an Advanced Certificate in Disability Studies from the City University of New York.


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Joyce, M. (2022). Seeking Performance Sustainability within Disability. Peripeti, 19(37), 86–97.


