Barrie Kosky’s The Lost Echo: rethinking tragic catharsis through affective emergenc(e)y


  • Charlotte Farrell



Barrie Kosky, The Lost Echo, catharsis, affective emergence, aristotelian tragedy, abjection, affective excess


Taking as her point of departure Barrie Kosky's 'post tragedy' "The Lost Echo" and referring to the concept of 'affective emergenc(e)y' Charlotte Farrell argues for a rethinking of the Aristotelian concept of tragic catharsis and the distinction between audience and performance, subject and object traditionally associated with this concept.


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Farrell, C. (2012). Barrie Kosky’s The Lost Echo: rethinking tragic catharsis through affective emergenc(e)y. Peripeti, 9(17), 67–76.