Rammens udkrængning

Om Sasha Waltz’ teaterinstallation Insideout (2003)


  • Mads Thygesen




Sasha Waltz, performativitet, publikumsinteraktion, Martin Seel, teaterinstallation, installationsrum, rammesætning


In his analysis of German choreographer Sasha Waltz’ dance performance Insideout, Mads Thygesen explores the relations between the intentions of the work and its actual, performative »doing«, specifically the way this performance draws attention to its own use of framing devices in the interaction with the audience.


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Thygesen, M. (2024). Rammens udkrængning: Om Sasha Waltz’ teaterinstallation Insideout (2003). Peripeti, 3(6), 61–70. https://doi.org/10.7146/peri.v3i6.107591


