Tema 2: Robot technologies, autism and designs for learning
robot technology, social robotics, educational robots, educational robotics, autism, education, learning designAbstract
The field of robot technologies and education is rapidly evolving. Within only a few years, internationally and in Denmark, the focus on educational service robots and educational robotics has become more widespread. The 2015 NMC Technology Outlook report providing a technology outlook on Scandinavian schools places robotics and programming within a four to five year time-to-adoption period. At the moment in Denmark, many municipalities are initiating trials, investing in and engaging a diverse range of robot technologies in both daycare and schools. The field of education and robot technologies involves several very different educational approaches to supporting young people’s learning and development. The paper discusses how robot technologies as learning resources have been related to the field of autism and education, and argues for a need to further expand the areas of application in the future, with a focus on children and young people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, their ICT interests and engagement in innovative and creative learning. The paper draws on international research and examples from the author’s own research into education for children and young people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders, drawing on teachers’ and the students’ interests in working with ICT (e.g. robot technology).Downloads
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