Tema 2: Ethel and her Telenoid: Toward using humanoids to alleviate symptoms of dementia


  • Jens Dinesen Strandbech SOSU Nord Future Lab




Robots, Social Robots, Humanoid robots, Teleoperated robots, Human-humanoid-interaction, Functionally Designed Anthropomorphic Robots, Robot Assisted Therapy, Animal Assisted Therapy, Healthcare, Dementia, Telenoid


This article elaborates on a longitudinal study investigating if conversations with the teleoperated humanoid robot Telenoid can alleviate symptoms of dementia. The article initially frames Telenoid in the field of social robotics and relevant dementia-initiatives before dwelling on the emerging relationship between Telenoid and a person with severe dementia. Here it is shown how persons with severe dementia can benefit greatly from interaction with Functionally Designed Anthropomorphic Robots such as Telenoid as a means of providing a temporary ‘conversational stepping stone’, working toward improving quality of life and regaining conversational and social confidence to seek and interact socially with others.


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How to Cite

Strandbech, J. D. (2015). Tema 2: Ethel and her Telenoid: Toward using humanoids to alleviate symptoms of dementia. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 8(14). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v8i14.21990


