Opsamling af studerendes svardata fra Study Quiz – en case beskrivelse





Learning analytics, Professionshøjskoler, Study Quiz, App, Teknologi, Blended Learning, Studieaktivitetsmodel


Denne artikel er en case beskrivelse af et projekt- og implementeringsforløb af en mobil applikation ved navn Study Quiz i Fysioterapeutuddannelsen på University College Lillebælt (UCL). Artiklen består dels på beskrivelse af app’ens funktionsmuligheder og dels på en eksemplarisk beskrivelse af, hvorledes én af app’ens funktioner har været anvendt på Fysioterapeutuddannelsen. Fokus i beskrivelserne er primært, hvordan app’en kan anvendes, og er blevet anvendt, til at opsamle svardata fra de studerende, og på hvordan disse data kan bruges til at kvalificere undervisningsplanlægningen. De indhentede erfaringerne fra implementeringen bliver præsenteret, og på den baggrund fremsættes en række anbefalinger, som yderligere kan kvalificere den fortsatte implementering af app’en i UCL, men som også kan gælde implementering af tilsvarende teknologier i andre undervisermiljøer.

The present article is a case description of a project concerning the implementation of a mobile application named Study Quiz at The Department of Physiotherapy in University College Lillebaelt (UCL). Our experiences so far show, that the student are less motivated to play the “battle” feature of the app than expected. They are more interested in and motivated by the “assignment” feature, which is used in close relation to curriculum based activities. This knowledge is essential for the further development and implementation of the app. It is the thoughtful and pedagogical implementation of the app in learning activities that can enable potentials such as increased insight into one’s own understandings, increased feedback and lowering the number of students who fail their exams. The coming challenges are to gain even more insight into where, how and how much this app can be implemented in a thoughtful and meaningful way in professional educations. There is a need for continuous and creative implementation and testing of the app within the many different fields of the physiotherapy education. This must be supported by evaluation and data collection to make it possible to identify in which subjects and with which methods the potential for better learning can be fulfilled.


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How to Cite

Ahler, T., & Bader, S. (2015). Opsamling af studerendes svardata fra Study Quiz – en case beskrivelse. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 8(13). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v8i13.20502