Skolens steder

Læringsrumsmodellen og analyse af det iscenesatte og performative læringsrum


  • Jens Jørgen Hansen Syddansk Universitet



Læringsrum, Didaktik, Didaktisk teoriudvikling, Skolens rum, Rumteori


The school’s physical layout, along with the design and arrangement of learning environments and spaces, has historically garnered significant pedagogical attention. The design of a school’s learning spaces not only reflects its pedagogical philosophy but also sets the stage for teaching methods, learning approaches, and how the world is introduced to students, from primary school through to higher education. From a didactic perspective, how can one understand the concept of a learning space and its evolution? This article aims to develop a contemporary understanding of the concept of a learning space, considering it from various perspectives: the ideal, the material, the didactic, the staged, and the performative learning space. Consequently, this article will contribute to the development of didactic theory regarding learning spaces and establish it as a category for didactic analysis and decision-making. Furthermore, this article will empirically examine how the staged and performative learning spaces manifest in a group of 8th-grade students undertaking a project course at a Danish primary school.


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Author Biography

Jens Jørgen Hansen, Syddansk Universitet

Institut for Design og Kommunikation, Syddansk Universitet, Lektor, Ph.d.



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How to Cite

Hansen, J. J. (2024). Skolens steder: Læringsrumsmodellen og analyse af det iscenesatte og performative læringsrum. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 17(30).



LOM30: Sammensatte læringsrum