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Studerende som medudviklere af læringsdesignet for deres egen uddannelse


  • Louise Lund Breil UCN Pædagogik - pædagoguddannelsen Thisted
  • Marianne Georgsen
  • Susanne Dau



The article presents a project where the goal is to establish an equal collaboration between teacher and students regarding the learning design of the students' education. The work with learning design (cf. Dohn et al., 2019), is based on Fawns' formulation of an Entangled Pedagogy, which i.a. focuses on the students' participation in the design work. Based on post-structuralism (Juelskjær & Plauborg, 2013; Søndergaard, 2005; Focault, 2002), qualitative, empirical data (focus group interviews) are analysed to uncover the student perspective on the overall research question: What characterizes the students' contribution when invited to co-develop the learning design for their education?

The purpose is two-fold: Firstly, to qualify our knowledge of possibilities and limitations in involving students directly in learning design processes, and secondly, to test a development and analysis method which focuses on the participants' narratives in the empirical material. It is concluded that this method for involving the students in the design process is fruitful in terms of elucidating the students' values in connection with their education. Finally, methodological perspectives concerning a teaching practice, where students are invited throughout the entire educational process, cf. Fawns, to take co-responsibility for the learning design, are discussed.


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2024-09-24 — Updated on 2024-09-26

How to Cite

Lund Breil, L., Georgsen, M., & Dau, S. (2024). Vi kan skabe sporet sammen: Studerende som medudviklere af læringsdesignet for deres egen uddannelse. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 17(30).



LOM30: Sammensatte læringsrum