Bidrag til digital didaktik set fra et posthumant elevperspektiv


  • Marie Falkesgaard Slot KP
  • Michael Peter Jensen
  • Tina Høegh



grundskole, digital didaktik, posthumanisme, casestudie


This article contributes to research in digital didactics with a special focus on a situated student perspective. Using two cases taken from a three-year Nordic research project Connected Classroom Nordic (QIUINT), we provide examples of how technology can be the starting point for a digital didactic in a student perspective. Typically, in digital didactic research a sharp distinction is made between human/student and technology, but the result is that it is neither the didactics nor the technology that determines the digitization of the school. In this article, we build a theoretical focus that allows us to observe technologies as entangled with students' social and professional capacity. Our interest in student-technology is the possibility of the openness and unpredictability that lies in what we call rupture, which we place in teaching in the student-technology relationship. Our study indicates that didactic opportunities arise when students-technology are allowed to shape themselves in new ways in teaching. But at the same time, the study also shows that the entanglement of student technology and situations where breaches occur are easily overlooked as a potential of a busy teaching everyday life.


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How to Cite

Slot, M. F., Jensen, M. P., & Høegh, T. (2023). Bidrag til digital didaktik set fra et posthumant elevperspektiv. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(27).