Digital competencies for university teachers

Perspectives from the university's meso level




digital competence, competencies development, organisational development, DigCompEdu, Frameworks, Case study


The European framework DigCompEdu describes the digital competencies of an individual teacher, however the University of Copenhagen used the framework in 202o to explore, how the university as an organization supports digital competencies development.
The purpose of this exercise was to avoid competence development becoming an individualized problem. This article describes this work and examines, as a case study, results when educational e-learning consultants and system owners use an individual-oriented framework such as DigCompEdu as an analytical tool. Based on cases, reconstructed from notes, minutes and observations, we conclude that the framework's focus on the individual teacher maintains the focus on the end user for the supporting units in the organization, and that mapping can identify how the organization weights its course and IT system offerings in relation to local educational culture. This can allow consultants and system owners to take on more proactive role and help create a better overview of an otherwise complex field, thereby helping teachers navigate it.


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Author Biography

Annette Q Pedersen, Københavns Universitet

E-Læringskonsulent, Humaniora, Københavns Universitet.


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How to Cite

Pedersen, A. Q., & Isager, J. M. (2023). Digital competencies for university teachers: Perspectives from the university’s meso level. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(27), 16.



LOM#27: Developing teachers’ digital competences