Underviseres digitale kompetencer

Kompetencedimensioner i projektet Læringscirkler


  • Jens Jørgen Hansen Syddansk Universitet
  • Marianne Georgsen UCN




Digitale kompetencer, Digitale teknologier, kompetenceudvikling, didaktisk design, læringsdesign


The article presents an investigation of the Learning Circle project, its’ conceptualization of the concept of competence and its’ learning design in relation to developing participants' digital competences. The project "Digital competence development through learning circles" is a ministerially supported collaboration project between University College Northern Denmark, UCL University College and University of Southern Denmark. The purpose is for lecturers to develop their skills on teaching with technology in order to be able to include and use digital technologies better. Central to the project is the concept of learning circles and the construction of a digital resource collection. This article presents an understanding and a model for the concept of competence consisting of four dimensions and examines how teachers' digital competences is understood both in larger international frameworks such as DigCompEdu (Redecker 2017) and in the Danish learning circle project. RQ: Based on a theoretically grounded model for competence development, how can teachers' digital competences be understood in a larger national and international framework, and how does the project "Learning Circles" interpret and design for the development of teachers' digital competences' through their learning concept and resource collection? The article contributes knowledge about a theoretically grounded understanding of the concept of competence. Furthermore, it explains why teachers' digital competences have appeared on the education policy map and as a resource for the development of good teaching in the practice of educational institutions. Finally, the pedagogical choices that underlie the design of competence development courses in a higher education context are examined.


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Author Biography

Jens Jørgen Hansen, Syddansk Universitet

Institut for Design og Kommunikation, Syddansk Universitet, Lektor, Ph.d.



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How to Cite

Hansen, J. J., & Georgsen, M. (2023). Underviseres digitale kompetencer: Kompetencedimensioner i projektet Læringscirkler. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(27). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v15i27.134281



LOM#27: Developing teachers’ digital competences