Afdækning og kompetence- og uddannelsesudvikling af professionsunderviseres generiske digitale kompetencer
The purpose of this article is to examine how generic digital competences of vocational teachers can be uncovered systematically with a view to data-informed, targeted and dialogue-based formal competence development. The background of the article builds on the 4 year project (2018-2022) “coverage of lecturers generic digital competences”. In the article, the development of a question framework and a digital competence wheel for digital competences is explained and discussed theoretically and empirically. Overall, it is concluded that the question framework must contain 5 domains: competence area, themes, learning domains, questions and indicative explanation, which together provide an understanding of digital competence as knowledge, skills and attitude. Furthermore, it is concluded that uncovering teachers' generic digital competences creates a common approach to working data-informed, targeted and dialogue-based with competence development. A fertile ground is created for the further development of a common language for the development of digital competences for the education managers, which connects digital technologies, digital competences and didactics.
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