Design principles for higher education teacher development
the Teknosofikum course/concept
higher education teacher development, digital competence, learning design, design-based researchAbstract
This study moves from the research question: how to design a professional course/concept for the development of higher education teachers’ digital competences? It presents Teknosofikum, a project funded by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science between 2020 and 2023. The outcome of the project is a course for higher education teachers with a focus on digital competence. Grounded in sociomaterial theories, digital competence refers here to the capacity to develop agency towards professional changes driven by technology. It comprises teachers’ abilities to evaluate why, when, how and with what effects to include digital technologies in teaching. The study draws on qualitative and quantitative data gathered through design-based research along the first three course iterations,with a total of 64 participants. The findings show the emergence of three design principles: (i) relational approach to technology; (ii) praxis; and (iii)organized non-linearity. These principles will guide the final format of Teknosofikum course/concept.
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