Computing with concepts using tangible, computational tools
a 21st century competency for teachers and students in the humanities
computational thinking, 21st century competencies, higher education, non-STEM subjects, computational toolsAbstract
The computational thinking (CT) method, Computing with concepts using tangible, computational tools, developed for humanistic subjects in higher education, is conceptualised as a 21st century competency in this theoretical article. The method aligns with the categories: Ways of thinking, Ways of working and Tools for working since it helps students build competencies in relation to generating ideas in novel and unconventional ways, in solving problems creatively and rigorously, and in representing and communicating ideas and solutions effectively and computationally. The method helps students engage in constructive dialogue, collaboratively explore abstract concepts and reflect on preferred ways of learning and personal biases, i.e. learn to learn. How CT activities map onto 21st century competencies is influenced by the learning theoretical framing, choice of technology and approach and the function of CT in the activity. The conclusion is that the CT method developed has potential not only as a relevant way for teachers and students in the humanities to work with CT and computational tools but also with respects to supporting students in building 21st century competencies.
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