Digitale kompetencer og online kompetenceudvikling for undervisere på byggeriets videregående uddannelser


  • Birgitte Lund Nielsen VIA, Docent i Professionsdidaktik Koordinator i Program for Professionsdidaktik
  • Mikkel Godsk Centre for Educational Development (CED), Aarhus Universitet



kompetenceudvikling, online deltagelsesformer, videregående uddannelse, digitale kompetencer, professionsdidaktik


The article presents research results from the KUBU project on competency development in building higher education. Themes and factors influencing teachers’ development of professional digital competencies in online teacher professional development (oTPD) are discussed. The research utilises a sequential mixed methods design with data from a repeated survey and interviews followed by a thematic analysis. The results show a moderate perceived outcome, however with a development from pre to post towards more systematic experimental and evaluated technology-enhanced teaching practice. The thematic analysis identifies nine themes: 1) Perceived outcomes and derived effects, 2) Prioritisation and workload, 3) Multi-pronged institutionalisation, 4) Communication and alignment of expectations, 5) Diversity in digital competencies, 6) Collaboration and networking, 7) Interdisciplinarity in building education, 8) Modality and synchronicity, and 9) E-moderation and scaffolding. Altogether, the article identifies a range of validated design principles for online digital professional development of educators from higher education and also discusses drivers and barriers related to the participants’ outcomes.


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How to Cite

Nielsen, B. L., & Godsk, M. (2023). Digitale kompetencer og online kompetenceudvikling for undervisere på byggeriets videregående uddannelser. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 16(27), 21.



LOM#27: Developing teachers’ digital competences