Virtual teaching in Danish upper secondary schools


  • Ane Qvortrup Syddansk Universitet
  • Rune Lomholt



Gymnasiet, Corona, Virtuel undervisning, Faglig mestring, Motivation


Upper secondary education during school closures was first and foremost emergency education related to a societal crisis. But in addition to being emergency education, it was an experiment in virtual teaching. With this in mind, this article examines students' experience of virtual teaching, with a particular focus on their experience of academic mastery and motivation. Empirically, the article is based on a mixed method design with quantitative data from questionnaire data from students (N = 2899) collected in April 2020 and focus group interviews with students (N = 44) collected in April-June 2020. The article shows that especially the academic motivation was low. On the basis of the article's analyses, a number of themes are identified that can be reflected on in relation to future virtual teaching in upper secondary schools.


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Author Biography

Ane Qvortrup, Syddansk Universitet

Institut for Kulturvidenskaber
Lektor, ph.d.


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How to Cite

Qvortrup, A., & Lomholt, R. (2021). Virtual teaching in Danish upper secondary schools. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24).