Udvikling af et begreb om det legende i lærer- og pædagoguddannelsen
legende undervisning, playful learning, design-based research, professionsuddannelseAbstract
Based on a research project about playful teaching in pedagogue and teacher education, this article develops the concept of play qualities.Through a design-based approach to the development of theory, the article explores how the concept of play qualities can help to create opportunities for a way of conceptualizing playful teaching. The concept of play quality turns out to have the following characteristics: Play qualities are related to concrete situations, related closely to actions, are fluctuating and always play qualities to someone. With the development of the concept of play qualities, the contribution of the paper becomes to create a concept of playful teaching that both enables us to look at existing teaching and ask about the play qualities in these, just as we can use the concept of play qualities as design principles for future playful teaching. The article concludes by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of the concept for the education.
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