Digitalt understøttet problem- og projektbaseret vejlederpraksis

Erfaringer og potentialer identificeret under COVID-19-nedlukningen




PBL, PPL, digital læring, projektvejledning, COVID-19


This article examines teachers’ and students' experiences with digitally supported project supervision during the COVID-19 lock-down in the spring of 2020. The focus is on the philosophy behind problem- and project-based supervision at Aalborg University and Roskilde University, and how and to what extent digital transformation of supervisor practice supports and challenges this philosophy. The results are primarily based on 12 qualitative interviews with teachers and 10 qualitative interviews with students conducted as part of the project "Experiences with online teaching at 9 higher education institutions", supplemented by results from local, internal studies in the same period. Overall, this paper seeks to answer the research question: “What have we learned about digitally supported project supervision during the COVID-19 lockdown, and what experiences can we take with us into a future problem- and project-oriented supervisor practice?” The results of the study show that the lockdown period has given rise to rethinking the problem- and project-based supervisor practice, and that supervision has the potential to become more flexible, student-centered and process-oriented when transformed from primarily product orientation towards process facilitation in hybrid learning spaces.


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Author Biography

Ulla Konnerup, Dept of Communication, Aalborg University

Aaaistent Professor, Ph.D


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How to Cite

Konnerup, U., Bertel, L. B., & Larsen, S. (2021). Digitalt understøttet problem- og projektbaseret vejlederpraksis: Erfaringer og potentialer identificeret under COVID-19-nedlukningen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24).