Praksisforløb under covid-19

- studerende og digital omstilling i praksis


  • Bente Tobiesen Meyer
  • Birgitte Henningsen





Lockdowns and reorganisations of teaching in higher education have in 2020 affected not only on-campus, face-to-face activities but also ways in which students can participate in practice outside the university. This is true for activities such as field work and interviews, but also students’ internships in private and public companies. This paper focuses on university students who specialise in ICT and organisational change and ways in which their internships in organisations are affected by lockdowns. As these students have knowledge and experience that can contribute to digital reorganisation and developments in lockdowns we focus on the question of How students are affected by participation in internships during Covid-19 and how they are involved in digital reorganisations and developments in lockdowns. The paper builds on interviews with students of a specific Msc programme at Aalborg University, and draws on relevant literature on work integrated learning, problem based learning (PBL) and Covid-19. Theoretically, the focus is on PBL, digitalisation and organisational change in a sociomaterial perspective. Initial analysis of our data suggests that students are involved in both social marginalisation and central digital developments caused by lockdowns and that this forms their professional knowledge as well as practice in the companies.


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How to Cite

Meyer, B. T., & Henningsen, B. (2021). Praksisforløb under covid-19 : - studerende og digital omstilling i praksis. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24).