


  • Niels Erik Ruan Lyngdorf Aalborg Universitet
  • Lykke Brogaard Bertel
  • Thomas Andersen
  • Thomas Ryberg






In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic changed the everyday life of educational institutions worldwide. The situation has demanded answers, on the part of both students and the educational institutions, on how teaching could continue despite restrictions that made face-to-face teaching impossible. This article analyses how strategies for digitally supported learning was experienced and developed from "emergency teaching" in the spring to autumn's parallel and hybrid approaches at a PBL university in Denmark. The study is based on a large set of qualitative data that gathers experiences of digital teaching across all faculties and departments at Aalborg University and consists of 22 focus group interviews with teachers and students conducted from September to November in the autumn of 2020. Subsequently, the data was transcribed and coded in NVivo and analysed using thematic analysis, drawing a holistic view of ongoing digital learning activities, including approaches to and the importance of the physical space and social relations in hybrid problem and project-based learning. The article thus contributes with knowledge about and perspectives on how digital transformation can support active and collaborative learning in participant-led learning environments, such as PBL.


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How to Cite

Lyngdorf, N. E. R., Brogaard Bertel, L., Andersen, T., & Ryberg, T. (2021). Dansk: Dansk. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24), 24. https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v14i24.125686