Coronapandemiens indflydelse på universitetsadjunkters holdning til teknologi i undervisningen


  • Mikkel Godsk Science Media Lab,Center for Scienceuddannelse, Aarhus Universitet



corona, adjunktpædagogikum, digital læringsteknologi, holdning til teknologi, emergency remote teaching, Learning Design, kompetenceudvikling


The article investigates university science assistant professors and postdocs change of attitude towards technology in teaching and learning that is most likely attributed to the Covid-19 pandemic. Using a multivariate analysis based on identical surveys pre and post the outbreak among all assistant professors and postdocs enrolled in the required teacher professional development programme (N = 66) at Aarhus University, four statistically significant themes of change of attitude towards educational technology are identified. The changes are: an increased interest in pedagogical methods and models for technology in teaching and learning, an increased interest in the educational potential and role of the technology, an increased interest in video conference and video, and an increased interest in knowledge sharing and pedagogical support on technology. No adverse changes are identified. Consequently, the investigation identifies a considerable topical potential to overcome the difficult barriers associated with educators’ attitudes towards technology in teaching and learning and the potential for educational and professional development on educational technology.


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How to Cite

Godsk, M. (2021). Coronapandemiens indflydelse på universitetsadjunkters holdning til teknologi i undervisningen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24).