Hvad kan HyFlex-organiseret undervisning?

- de studerendes tilgang


  • Helle Mathiasen Københavns universitet
  • Henrik Bregnhøj




Hyflex-organiseret undervisning, kommunikation, undervisningsmiljøer, de studerendes stemme


The article focuses on the conditions of communication in HyFlex teaching, where half of the students can be on campus every second time, while the rest can follow the teaching live online. An e-moderator in the lecture room acts as a communicative link between the online participants and the lecturer.

The empirical data includes a quantitative and qualitative part and focuses on lectures and the students' communicative participation.

The survey results show, among other things, that 74% of students choose to follow the lectures online and that the students agree that HyFlex is a good and flexible lecture organization. The arguments for choosing onsite / online participation show a range of individual preferences.

The e-moderator function is important. Online students are more communicatively active in academic matters (on average one contribution from every third online student in the chat). Chat communication initiates questions / answers via e-moderator (IRE triads), while interaction lecturer / onsite and onsite / online students (interaction chains) have difficult terms. The students’ experiences include sparring, reflection, variety, commitment and motivation as important parameters for their approach to HyFlex teaching.


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Author Biography

Helle Mathiasen, Københavns universitet

ansat på Institut for Naturfagenes Didaktik, KU som professor


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How to Cite

Mathiasen, H., & Bregnhøj, H. (2021). Hvad kan HyFlex-organiseret undervisning? - de studerendes tilgang. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 14(24). https://doi.org/10.7146/lom.v14i24.125533