Det digitale instinkt

Gymnasieelevers digitale praksis


  • Mette Alma Kjærsholm Boie Aarhus Universitet
  • Christian Dalsgaard
  • Francesco Caviglia



digitale kompetencer, digital dannelse, gymnasieelever, digital teknologi, handlingsduelighed


The objective of the article is to study the digital practice from the perspective of upper secondary students: How do students use digital technologies for school work, and what is their conception of technology? The article presents an empirical study with interviews of 37 students, observational studies in 14 classes, and lived experience descriptions from 100 students that have described situations where they have learned something through use of technologies in school. The study shows that students often use digital technologies in a way that a student names a "digital instinct". Students show a high degree of agency, and the lived experience descriptions provide many examples of students using technologies as a cognitive partner to do assignments that would not have been completed without use of technologies. Students act as "long-time practitioners" that have obtained solid experiences in using digital technologies. Also, the study shows that there are limitations to the digital instinct. The article concludes in a discussion of how an understanding of the digital instinct can be a starting point for further development of students' digital literacy, which calls upon a more reflective and conscious digital student practice with an increased focus on processes and working methods.


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How to Cite

Boie, M. A. K., Dalsgaard, C., & Caviglia, F. (2020). Det digitale instinkt: Gymnasieelevers digitale praksis. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 13(23), 19.