Jeg vil have rigtig undervisning! Profiler af blendede learnere i efter- og videreuddannelsen

Profiler af blendede learnere i efter- og videreuddannelsen


  • Monica Irene Krarup Olesen University College Nordjylland



Blended learning. Efter- og videreuddannelse., Individualiserede læringsrum.


Blended Learning is a flexible way of organizing teaching that integrates various forms of asynchronous interaction where students acquire the academic content independently of common time and space. Hence, flexible learning spaces appeal to adult students where a number of individual needs often must be taken into account due to the adult's family and work life. This article presents and discusses the results of a study in post-graduate education at the University College North Jutland in which 45 graduate students participated in testing a blended learning design. The purpose of the study was to identify what is important for adult diploma students when enrolled in a course of education organized as blended learning. The study has identified four different profiles of blended learners. The profiles reflect a variation in the participants' motivation for both learning and for being blended learners. In addition, the profiles show a great variation in the participants' learning approach, as well as the learning conditions and learning experiences they bring along during a blended course of education. The results of the study form the basis for further development of blended learning with learning designs aimed at a higher degree of flexibility and individualized learning spaces.


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How to Cite

Olesen, M. I. K. (2020). Jeg vil have rigtig undervisning! Profiler af blendede learnere i efter- og videreuddannelsen: Profiler af blendede learnere i efter- og videreuddannelsen. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 12(22).