Blended undervisning og metarefleksioner

– kompetenceudvikling i tværprofessionelt underviserregi


  • Anne Winther Jensen UCSJ
  • Jan Ohrt Nissen Professionshøjskolen Absalon



This article accounts for experiences with conducting a qualification course for e-learning/blended course teachers from four different programs at Absalon University College. The course was part of a three-year development project. The theoretical foundation of the project was Design Based Research and pragmatism, and the course had the dual purpose of 1) theory development based on the course, and 2) the improvement of the teachers' own blended courses. A joint part of the course was for the participating teachers and the project group to develop a learning design framework in relation to blended courses and for the participating teachers it included developing both e-learning design competencies as well as technological competencies. The course revealed the benefits of simultaneously upgrading teachers’ skills in e-learning design and technology, and to link the development part closely to the teachers' own teaching reality. In addition, it showed that it is beneficial to include teachers from different programs in joint qualification courses, as divergent attitudes towards blended learning are put into play, mutually challenging each other. Finally, the gained experience points to the importance of meta-reflections of the teachers' own practice with students, based on experiences of ”being students” themselves in the qualification course. The meta-reflections seems to promote a student-centered teaching perspective.


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Author Biography

Jan Ohrt Nissen, Professionshøjskolen Absalon


Lektor ved Professionshøjskolen Absalon, Sygeplejerskeuddannelsen


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How to Cite

Jensen, A. W., & Nissen, J. O. (2020). Blended undervisning og metarefleksioner: – kompetenceudvikling i tværprofessionelt underviserregi. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 12(22).