Gymnasieelevers dømmekraft
- et undervisningskontekstuelt it-anvendelsesperspektiv
Teknologier, Dømmekraft, Gymnasieelever, undervisningskontekstAbstract
Phones, tablets and computers are a challenge in daily education (Hansen et al 1998, Mathiasen 2002, Tække & Paulsen 2013). It has media and research reports informed in several years (Mathiasen et al 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, Mathiasen 2016a, 2016b). The article focuses on students' self-assessments of non-teaching-related technology use in teaching and via the concept of judgment as the theoretical lens, we discuss the students' reasons for choosing, for example, facebook and opt out teaching.
The analysis of the students’ answers shows both surplus of judgment and deficit, and discuss the fruitfulness of students 'choices and deselection in the specific teaching context.
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