Datalogisk tænkning og teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen tur-retur




In this article, we examine computational thinking and technological understanding in education in a historical perspective. We present and analyse Danish educational developments in this field since the 1960s and until today, and how experiments with the subject known as computer science education (datalære) were conducted throughout the 1970s and 1980s. This subject focused especially on understanding digital technology in a critical perspective and on computational problem solving, and there are many similarities with the new Danish experimental subject known as technological understanding (teknologiforståelse). The purpose of this article is to present the Danish history in this field and discuss how experiences and expensive lessons learned can inspire us today.
The article presents events and initiatives from this period chronologically. Methodologically, we have selected empirical material that relates to initiatives and discussions on computer science and digital technology in the Danish folkeskole (K-10). We identify four periods from 1966 until the present with a view to establishing an overview of trends, central initiatives and discussions.


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How to Cite

Caeli, E. N., & Bundsgaard, J. (2019). Datalogisk tænkning og teknologiforståelse i folkeskolen tur-retur. Tidsskriftet Læring Og Medier (LOM), 11(19), 30.