MOOC design – Dissemination to the masses or facilitation of social learning and a deep approach to learning?


  • Inger-Marie Falgren Christensen SDU Universitetspædagogik, Syddansk Universitet
  • Mette Dam Laursen Studenterunderviser Syddansk Universitet
  • Jacob Bøggild H. C. Andersen Centret Syddansk Universitet
  • Torsten Bøgh Thomsen H. C. Andersen Centret Syddansk Universitet



MOOC, learning design, MOOC design – Dissemination to the masses or active, deep learning?social learning, deep learning, active learning, literature, Hans Christian Andersen


This article accounts for the design of the massive open online course (MOOC) Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy tales on FutureLearn and reports on the effectiveness of this design in terms of engaging learners in social learning and encouraging a deep approach to learning. A learning pathway was designed that provided learners with relevant knowledge, allowed them to practice their analysis skills and provided model responses. In the first run of the MOOC, a light facilitation approach was used to motivate and engage learners. In the second run, this was supplemented with live Q & A sessions and increased educator feedback. Course data show that that some learners use the space provided for social interaction and mutual support. A learning pathway that engages learners in discussion and progression from week to week facilitates a deep approach to learning. However, this requires more support from the educators and the course host.


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