Pedagogical reflections from a PhD course in ageing

How to facilitate preconditions for resonance?


  • Anne Liveng Roskilde Universitet
  • Jeanette Eriksson Department of Computer Science and Media Technology, Malmö University
  • Jonas Christensen Department of Social Work, Malmö University



This article is based on an interdisciplinary PhD course on ageing societies. The course brought together researchers, practitioners, and PhD students representing diverse welfare regimes and scientific traditions. It departed from the assumption that learning is a process involving both cognitive, emotional, and social dimensions. It was inspired by three collaborative learning theories and contained a number of non-traditional learning activities.
The students’ motivation during the course was exceptionally high, and as teachers and organisers we became interested if this could be understood through the theory of resonance pedagogy.
The article presents parts of the course documentation. Activities and students’ responses are described and discussed in relation to the pedagogical inspirations. Rosa’s resonance pedagogy is used as a theoretical framework in a final synthesising discussion.
Diversity in scientific orientations, national backgrounds, learning activities, and using collaborative pedagogical thinking can support a learning environment with potentials for resonance.


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