Læreres kompetenceudvikling - ud fra knowledge-of-practice


  • Hanne Møller Professionshøjskolen UCC
  • Charlotte Krog Skott




Lektionsstudier, fagdidaktik, almendidaktik, knowledge-of-practice, læreres professionelle kompetenceudvikling



For at kunne skelne mellem tiltag til lærerudvikling har Cochran-Smith og Lytle udviklet tre grundforståelser af forholdet mellem læreres viden og deres praksis. En af disse, Knowledge-of-practice, er udgangspunkt for artiklen, idet vi med Lektionsstudier eksemplificerer potentialerne ved at benytte tiltag inden for denne grundforståelse. I Japan benyttes lektionsstudier i alle fag, mens tiltaget i Vesten overvejende bruges i matematikfaget og med et fagdidaktisk fokus. Ud fra en case om lektionsstudier i danskfaget argumenterer vi for, at tiltag som lektionsstudier giver lærere mulighed for at udforske og løse problemstillinger i deres undervisningspraksis fra et samtidigt alment og fagdidaktisk perspektiv.



To be able to differentiate between approaches to teachers’ professional development, Cochran-Smith and Lytle have developed three conceptions of the relationships between teachers’ knowledge and their practice. One of these, Knowledge-of-practice, is the basis for this article, as we use Lesson studies to exemplify the potentials of approaches within this conceptualization. In Japan, Lesson studies are used in all subjects, whereas in the West the approach predominantly is used in Mathematics and with a focus on pedagogical content knowledge. Based on a lesson study case in the subject of Danish, we argue that approaches as lesson study provide teachers the possibility to research and solve teaching problems with a focus simultaneously on pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge.


Hanne Møller, Professionshøjskolen UCC

Afdeling for forskning og udvikling.



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Møller, H., & Skott, C. K. (2018). Læreres kompetenceudvikling - ud fra knowledge-of-practice. Studier I læreruddannelse Og -Profession, 3(1), 73–93. https://doi.org/10.7146/lup.v3i1.27714



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