Myter om lærermangel

Hvordan kan vi forstå krisen i lærerprofessionen?


  • Kari Kragh Blume Dahl
  • Frans Ørsted Andersen



lærermangel, læreruddannelse, krisen i lærerprofessionen, myter om lærermangel, Pierre Bourdieu, situeret læringsteori, teacher shortage, teacher education, crisis in the teaching profession, myths about teacher shortages, situated learning theory


Lærermangel i skolen er et stigende problem både i Danmark og internationalt. Artiklen undersøger nogle vedholdende myter om lærermangel, som fremsættes i litteraturen som ’mangelfuld læreruddannelse’ (myte 1), ’manglende transfer i praktikken på læreruddannelsen til praksis’ (myte 2) og ’vedvarende professionalisering i det nye arbejdsliv i skolen’ (myte 3). Myterne begrundes som ’mangler’ i viden, pædagogik og praktikperioder i læreruddannelsen (myte 1 og 2), som tænkes imødekommet i en fortløbende professionaliseringsproces i skolens arbejdsliv (myte 3). Artiklen argumenterer gennem interviews med lærerstuderende og lærere, diskussion af litteratur samt ved at trække på situeret læringsteori, professionsorienteret litteratur og Pierre Bourdieu for at problematisere lærermangel som resultatet af en professionel identitetskrise, hvor tids-, top- og økonomistyring i uddannelse og arbejdsliv medfører gradvis afmontering af tilhørsforhold og engagement hos lærerne. Lærermangel må derfor forstås som resultatet af en de-professionalisering, hvor de professionelle idealer afmonteres i uddannelsens og skolens virkelighed.

Teacher shortages are a growing problem in Denmark and globally. The article examines some of the enduring myths regarding teacher shortages, often portrayed as ‘inadequate teacher education’ (myth 1), ‘lack of transfer between theory and practice during teacher training’ (myth 2) and ‘professionalization of work at schools’ (myth 3). These myths are often explained in terms of ‘shortcomings’ of knowledge, pedagogy and practical teacher training (myths 1 and 2), which are sought addressed through an ongoing professionalization of working life at schools (myth 3). Rooted in the situated learning theory, literature about the professions and Pierre Bourdieu, and drawing on interviews with teachers and student teachers, the article argues that teacher shortages instead reflect a crisis of professional identity. Governance and accountability measures within teacher education and in the workplace gradually reduce teachers and student teachers’ motivation and sense of professional affiliation. As such, teacher shortages are the result of de-professionalization, whereby professional ideals are dismantled by the realities of training and working as a teacher.


Kari Kragh Blume Dahl

ph.d., lektor
School of Education, Aarhus Universitet

Frans Ørsted Andersen

ph.d., lektor
School of Education, Aarhus Universitet


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