Vol. 13 No. 4 (2008)

					View Vol. 13 No. 4 (2008)

Morten Blomhøj and Paola Valero
Bringing focus to mathematics education in multicultural and multilingual settings

Kay Owens
Culturality in mathematics education: a comparative study

Eva Norén
Bilingual students’ mother tongue: a resource for teaching and learning mathematics

Troels Lange
Homework and minority students in difficulty with learning mathematics: the influence of public discourse

Paola Valero, Tamsin Meaney, Helle Alrø, Uenuku Fairhall, Ole Skovsmose and Tony Trinick
School mathematical discourse in a learning landscape: understanding mathematics education in multicultural settings

Barbro Grevholm
Activities for 2009 in the Nordic Graduate School in Mathematics Education

Published: 2008-12-10