Hvad kan indstillinger til Politikens Pædagogpris fortælle om udvikling af pædagogers faglighed?
– to analytiske blikke
pædagoger, faglighed, styring, det affektiveResumé
In this article, the still unsettled development of pedagogues' professionalism is discussed, based on a recently completed study of three years' nominations for the national Politiken's Pedagogue Awards. First, the study itself is reviewed. We will then discuss the study's findings, drawing on two different theoretical perspectives. First, the study's results are understood in the light of Julia Evett's concepts of occupational versus organizational professionalism. Next, the same findings are viewed considering theories about the affective. Finally, the article discusses the study's highlighting of pedagogues' human, relational, affective qualities, which can be understood both as a historical relic from a non-professionalized time, as an expression of a slowdown in the management rationality, and finally as an expression of a broader affectation of society.

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