Børns (mis)trivsel i og på tværs af dagtilbud, skole og hjem
– et integrativt litteraturreview i en skandinavisk kontekst
Børn, pædagogik, inklusion/eksklusion, resiliens, udsathedResumé
The well-being of children is an explicit goal for both professionals and politicians who seek to set the direction for a sound childhood. However, a major barrier to working with and collaborating on children's well-being is the ambiguity about how well-being appears and is understood in children's everyday lives and in the field of research. Based on an integrative literature review, this article uncovers the field of research on children's well-being in and across day care, school and home in a Scandinavian context. In our analyzes, we have identified 8 different ways of understanding well-being and present a synthesis, where we show the different contexts' primary understanding of and focus in the work with children's well-being. The purpose of the article is to contribute to an increased clarity about well-being as both a concept and a phenomenon. The hope is that the field of practice - based on research - can become clearer on how to understand and work with well-being for every child.

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