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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript has not been previously published, nor is it under consideration by another journal for publication (or an explanation has been provided in the Comments to the Editor section).
  • The author hereby accepts the "Copyright Information" of the Danish Journal of Education Studies.
  • The manuscript file is in an OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document format.
  • The text adheres to the journal's article template regarding formatting and text styles.
  • DOI numbers are provided for reference where they are available.
  • When submitting to "Insights and Inputs," indicate the intended format in the comments section (book review, essay, 'In Spe', etc.).

Author Guidelines

// Two sections, multiple article formats //

DJES consists of two main sections: 1) Research Articles and 2) Insights & Input. The latter opens up to various article formats of a more communicative, debating nature, reworked study assignments (so-called in spe articles), and other informal formats. Common to Insights & Input articles is that they undergo only editorial processing, while research articles undergo double-blinded peer review.

RESEARCH ARTICLES are peer-reviewed and range from 6,000 to 8,000 words. If you wish to submit to this section, we encourage you to read the writing guidelines for research articles below. Also, make sure to use our Word template when submitting.

The INSIGHTS & INPUT section of DJES offers various article formats of a communicative and/or debating nature. Essays, practice reflections, book reviews, debating contributions, etc. Common to contributions to this section are that they are understandable to people without prior knowledge of the specific research or practice field. This requires a sufficient contextual description and framing of the contribution. Additionally, contributions should aim to be transparent in their use of terms without containing unnecessary references. Contributions to Insights & Input do not include detailed methodology sections. Articles in this section have a maximum length of 3,000 words, except for 'In Spe' articles.

The section also includes 'In Spe' articles, which are reworked study assignments. These articles have a maximum length of 6,000 words. In spe articles must meet the same formal requirements as the peer-reviewed research articles. Still, the studies may be based on a less extensive empirical basis and a less exhaustive insight into the research field.

Contributions to the Insights & Input section are not peer-reviewed but will be discussed by the editorial team, both in terms of content and form, and authors may be advised to make changes to the text.

SUBMISSION OF ABSTRACTS FOR CALLS. Do you wish to submit an abstract for later submission of a full manuscript? This could be in connection with one of our calls, for instance. Then, use one of the two submission channels below, depending on where you intend to publish a finished article. If you submit under 'Insights and Input,' please include a comment about the type of text you intend (in spe, essay, review, etc.). Your choice of channel is not binding and can be changed later in dialogue with the editorial team.

Abstracts for expression of interest should ideally be around 300 words. Additionally, we request a brief author biography.



Contributions to the "Research Articles" section undergo a double-blinded peer review process. Contributions to the "Insights and Input" section do not undergo peer review but are processed by the editorial team.

Double-blind peer review entails the author submitting two versions of their manuscript. One original version with the full text and one anonymised version where all information identifying the author is removed. The anonymised version must be immediately ready for anonymous peer review. Anonymisation involves removing the author's name, affiliation, etc. Information identifying the author, such as references and footnotes, may be replaced with, for example, ["author" + "year"]. Texts written by the author should not appear in the bibliography in the anonymised version. Finally, all markers identifying the author must be removed from the electronic file. This is done by inspecting the document for properties and personal information and removing the markers. In this guide from Microsoft, you can see exactly how to do it: Guide to anonymisation [see for example here:]


If you do not find answers to your questions regarding the formatting and submission of manuscripts in the above documents, do not hesitate to contact the editorial team at

Writing Guidelines - Insights & Input

Writing Guidelines - Research Articles

Article Template

// Below you'll find two channels for submitting contributions (full manuscripts or expression of interest abstracts) //

Research Articles

Research articles have a length of 6,000-8,000 words and undergo double-blinded peer review.

Insights & Inputs

Article contributions to Insights and Inputs range from 1,000 to 6,000 words depending on the format (see above). Contributions to this section undergo an editorial process but are not peer-reviewed.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.