Tidsskrift for Uddannelsesvidenskab // Danish Journal of Education Studies https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens da-DK <p>https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</p> djes@edu.au.dk (Miriam Madsen) djes@edu.au.dk (Kim Holflod) Fri, 08 Mar 2024 11:10:52 +0100 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Dansk https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/134464 <p><em>I denne artikel undersøger vi forskellige perspektiver på en vellykket forelæsningssituation på bacheloruddannelsen i Uddannelsesvidenskab ved DPU, og hvordan disse perspektiver er med til at konstruere undervisningen. Vi har fokus på forelæsningssituationen, og analyserer hvordan der løbende sker forhandlinger mellem aktører, materialiteter, handlemuligheder og kontekstuelle betingelser, som bringes med ind i undervisningen på højere videregående uddannelser. I forlængelse heraf argumenterer vi for, at der gennem en opmærksomhed på de forskellige intentioner vil kunne skabes en højere grad af vellykkethed i forelæsningerne.</em></p> Nicolai Britze, Signe Gjesse, Mathias Mortensen Copyright (c) 2024 Nicolai Britze, Signe Gjesse, Mathias Mortensen https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/134464 Fri, 07 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Digital Distractions in Higher Education? https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/136959 <p>During the last years, educational researchers have been increasingly aware of unintended, negative consequences of bringing digital devices into the classroom. These devices, it is said, cause continuous distractions that make students unable to concentrate and acquire deep knowledge. As a lecturer myself, I often encounter students who are physically present, but lost somewhere in cyberspace. In order to avoid this, I initiated a pedagogical intervention to reduce the amount of digital noise during my classroom teaching at Aarhus University. This paper sums up my experiences from this intervention as well as the latest research regarding digital distractions. I aim to present a set of tools that lecturers can use to minimize digital noise in their own teaching. To supplement and critically discuss my reflections, I have invited a group of students to share their experiences of the intervention in a subsequent focus group interview.</p> Philip Larsen Copyright (c) 2024 Philip Larsen https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/136959 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0200 Pædagogstuderendes professionelle dømmekraft https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/137340 <p>The article presents the concepts of human capital, social capital, and decisional capital, which are crucial for the development of professional judgement. The various elements of judgment are highlighted and discussed based on an analysis of interviews with 7 students in pedagogical practice in preschool. The students demonstrate judgment that is both experience-based and knowledge-based. But there is some indication that the students in the internship themselves bear responsibility for their learning and development, or that their judgment is weakened by a lack of social capital - i.e., shared reflections on knowledge and options for action in practice, which the teaching on the education alone cannot compensate for. To develop the students' knowledge and judgment it must take place in a community of practice or a teaching environment, where social capital and a high level of reflection are the drivers of development.</p> Torben Næsby Copyright (c) 2024 Torben Næsby https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://tidsskrift.dk/tidsskriftforuddannelsesvidens/article/view/137340 Fri, 08 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0100