Georg Henriksen: The collapse of the
community and collective pain
This article deals with the the collapse of a
community and the pain felt by the individuals
living in it. It understands pain as an experience
which is at the same time collective
and individual, shared and existential. Since
1996 Georg Henriksen has foliowed the
Mushuau Innu, an Indian community in the
northem part of Canada. With informant’s
experience from this community as reference
Henriksen points out how the levels of individual,
community, and over all social, eco-
nomical, and political processes are interwowen.
By being integrated in white society
the Innu have lost their own social and moral
order and at the same time they have stayed
marginalized in relation to the surrounding
society. The result of this intemal collapse
and extemal marginalization is anomie -
suicides, drinking, violence and the feeling
of loneliness. Henriksen points out the responsibility
of the govemment to establish a
political and social field for the Innu to exist
in and the necessity of understanding and
bringing an end to the structural violence inflicted
on the Innu.
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