About the Journal


Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund (Journal of Research in Sickness and Society) is an interdisciplinary journal with medical anthropology as its focal point. The purpose of the journal is to promote and develop the research that lies in the boundary between the humanities, social sciences and health sciences. The journal thus wants to be a forum where these disciplines can meet and inspire each other, epistemologically, methodologically and theoretically. The journal will convey the ever-growing professional collaboration and research initiatives that take place in the mentioned border field, and which contribute to the theoretical development of healthcare topics. The journal is aimed at everyone with an interest in research into disease and society, and in particular at researchers and practitioners in the healthcare field.


Peer review

The purpose of peer review is to ensure that good scientific research is published. We would therefore like to provide brief information on how we imagine the procedure around an assessment to take place and what role the individual assessor has.

The assessment process starts with the editors, who make an overall decision as to whether the submitted manuscript is suitable to be sent on for peer review. A manuscript can be judged not suitable if it exhibits serious language deficiencies and/or is not well-founded methodologically, analytically or theoretically. The editors give the author feedback on the overall assessment as soon as possible. If a manuscript is found suitable for peer review, the editors select two external reviewers who, based on their expertise, are assessed as a suitable match for the individual manuscript. The assessment is double-blind, with both author and assessor being anonymous throughout the process.

The journal works with only one round of peer review, and the editors then assess whether a manuscript can be accepted for publication or whether further revision is needed.


Publication frequency

Articles are posted electronically on this platform, under the corresponding number/volume. TFSS is published twice a year.


Policy on Open Access

This journal offers immediate Open Access to the journal's content based on the principle that free public access to research supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.


Copyright and license

From 1 January 2024, this applies: Author has copyright to the articles and reviews published in the journal. The magazine's content can be distributed under a Creative Commons license called CC BY-NC 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The license requires that re-users give credit/reference to the creator/author. It allows reusers to quote, distribute, remix, adapt and build on the material in any medium or format, but only for non-commercial purposes.

For content published before 1 January 2024, the following applies: The author(s) and Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund have copyright to the articles and reviews published in the journal. Articles published in Tidsskrift for Forskning i Sygdom og Samfund may be cited, downloaded and forwarded for non-commercial use, subject to normal academic reference to author(s) as well as journal, year, number and pages. The articles may only be republished with explicit permission from the author(s) and the journal.



TFSS belongs to the Department of Anthropology, Aarhus University and is supported with DKK 30,000 per year from the Independent Research Council (DFF funds for journals)