“Stand Still, Oh Blood”

The animating capacities of blood in 17th century magic and science



Blood magic, natural magic, corpse medicine, which trials, curative magic


In the 17th century, Denmark experienced a variety of discourses concerning cures for the body. Science, magic, and religion all regarded blood – the blood of Christ or the human body – as a curative remedy. Blood was considered the vital seat of the soul and life, and it was generally believed that blood could transfer or mediate life. Science and magic had since the Middle Ages been completely interlaced, but after the Reformation, a reinforced attempt to separate the two and fight demonic magic was launched. It criminalized not only demonic magic but widened the definition of magic to also encompass curative magic. The article investigates the affinities between curative magic and medicine in early modern Denmark. It also discusses how – or if – the fight against magic influenced the fields of science and magic.

Author Biography

Laura Katrine Skinnebach, University of Aarhus

Laura Katrine Skinnebach er ph.d. og lektor i kunsthistorie ved Aarhus Universitet. Hun forsker i billedteori og animation samt senmiddelalderlig og tidlig moderne fromhedspraksis. Hun har i 2023 udgivet bogen Animation between Magic, Miracles and Mechanics. Principles of Life in Medieval Imagery på Aarhus Universitetsforlag sammen med Hans Henrik Lohfert Jørgensen og Henning Laugerud.



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