Images of the city — The city as image

Urban verticality metaphorically and literally



City analysis, urbanism, skyscrapers, skyscraper city, skyline


Taking old postcards as starting points, the article is dealing with the different ways skyscrapers and vertical cities are sensed, represented and analyzed. This aim involves comparisons between the skyscraper and a traditional tower typology and the different ways vertical cities can stage themselves, visually as well as linguistically. A special focus is the competition between metropoles in order to obtain a status as a global city by stressing similarities and differences.

Author Biography

Anders Troelsen, Aarhus School of Architecture

Anders Troelsen. og i litteraturvidenskab og filmvidenskab (KU). Professor ved Arkitektskolen i Aarhus. Tidligere lektor i kunsthistorie, AU. Har i bøger og artikler især beskæftiget sig med film, tværæstetiske og billedanalytiske problemstillinger, historiografi samt med moderne og nyere billedkunst, arkitektur og byanalyse.


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