Orientation and narration in church interiors

Reflections on recent spatial and aesthetic traits of the Danish State Church



church interiors, materiality, Danish State Church, human encounters, 20th century


The architecture of parish churches in Denmark still catches the eye across the countryside and in the cities. These medieval and more recent buildings may bring to mind the rich tradition of the church as an institution and direct thoughts to personal and shared experiences of these places. This essay takes its point of departure in the reciprocal relation between the physical space of the church and the corresponding, indeterminate area that may form in this singular environment; that of the senses, mind, and faith. The enquiry is directed to the interior of the Danish state church in the 20th century. Most of the examples stem from the latter half of the 1900s. Distinct reorientations and new artistic formations in the church interior appeared in this period, prompting reflections on ways that social relations have been accommodated within the church in more recent times. Tracing characteristics, determining physical traits and changing artistic tendencies, the essay employs different theoretical disciplines to approach the idea of the human encounter with the architectural and aesthetic materiality of the church space.

Author Biography

Miriam Have Watts, University of Copenhagen

Miriam Have Watts er ansat på Det Teologiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, og er tilknyttet Danmarks Kirker, Nationalmuseet, hvor hun arbejder på en ph.d. om nyere indretning og udsmykning i folkekirken. Hendes faglige baggrund er desuden i kunsthistorien, hvor hun har en magistergrad fra Københavns Universitet.


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