On catalogues raisonnés with and without artists

A minor “excavation”



This article puts focus on a number of catalogues raisonnés from the 18th and 19th centuries. Today, the catalogue raisonné is typically defined as systematic and critical listings of all the known works (or part of them) of a single artist. First, the article presents some catalogues, which often are acknowledged as the “earliest” examples describing the oeuvre of a single artist. Next, the article discusses various catalogues raisonnés from the same period, which do not address the works of single artists, in several cases not works of art at all. Inspired by Michel Foucault’s L’archéologie du savoir (1969), this minor “excavation” provides more nuances to the art historical discourse about modern catalogues raisonnés.

Author Biography

Hans Dam Christensen, Københavns Universitet

Institut for Kommunikation


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