Towards an interdisciplinary methodology in art research?
Improvement through the inclusion of material and scientific analyses
Technical art history, materiality, conservation studies, natural sciences, interdisciplinarityAbstract
An historical overview of connoisseurship and of the development of the technical examination of artworks demonstrates that in the cataloguing of collections there has been a change of approach with regard to technical art history. With the increased emphasis on theory in art history, and as the conservation profession has become more academic, the study of the complexity of artworks has turned towards conservation in a close interaction with the natural sciences. As a result of this trend, long-held art historical concepts and narratives have been challenged, and new interpretations have been established. Jørgen Wadum argues that an interdisciplinary collaboration between art historians, conservators, and the natural sciences will, through the analysis and interpretation of works of art, make a contribution to our understanding of visual culture—a contribution greater than that made by the sum of the individual disciplines. The many layers of information gleaned from an understanding and inclusion of the materiality of artworks, when fused with art historical interpretations, enables us to expand the link between artistic intentions and the availability of artists’ materials. In this way, important relations to other works and collections can be understood.
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Dendrokronologidatabase: Dendro4Art:
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Gent-altertavlen og andre værker af Jan van Eyck:
The Girl in the Spotlight: A technical re-examination of Vermeer’s Girl with a Pearl Earring:
The Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia Online (CAMEO):
RKD – Netherlands Institute for Art History: