The catalogue raisonné

Mostly about drawings and artist naming


  • Chris Fischer Statens Museum for Kunst


The Royal Collection of Graphic Art, the science of attribution, connoisseurship, provenance, style analysis


In this article, Chris Fischer provides an overview of various methodological practices and concepts linked to the catalogue raisonné and its history. It is a widespread genre in studies of little-known Renaissance and Baroque artists where, the art historian argues for attributing the creation of a given work of art to a specific artist. Fischer explains the various methods, such as connoisseurship, methods of attribution of works to a particular artist, stylistic analysis, graphology, material history, conservatory studies, and provenance. He regards the catalogue raisonné as a basic discipline of the art historian.

Author Biography

Chris Fischer, Statens Museum for Kunst

Leder af Forskningscenter for tegnekunst og seniorforsker


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