Fiktionen om læring som produkt af pædagogiske læreplaner
learning, teaching, education, school systems, Critical Psychology, Subject Science,, educational psychologyAbstract
In 1993 Klaus Holzkamp published a com- prehensive book on learning called Lernen: Subjektwissenschaftliche Grundlegung. As a forerunner he gave at talk on learning at the 6th International Summer University of Criti- cal Psychology in Vienna 1992. The theme of the meeting was: Contradictions in Learning and Educational Actions. This article is based on his talk called: Die Fiktion administrativer Planbarkeit schulischer Lernprozesse and its English translation: The Fiction of Learning as Administratively Plannable.
Holzkamp takes his point of departure in a historical analysis of the school system with references to Foucault’s analysis of power. Through this he shows how schools are giving unequal life-chances to the pupils by objecti- fication and standardized evaluative systems. As teaching is often juxtaposed by learning in education Holzkamp talks about a teach- ing/learning circuit, which also characterizes the vast majority of psychological theories on learning. This means that the subjective interests of learning are generally excluded,
both from the educational system and from scientific analysis. Holzkamp shows how the teaching/learning circuit and the rectification of education often mean that pupils are seen as unwilling or unable to learn. Contrary the common notion of learning as teaching in a didactic way, Holzkamp aims at developing a critical psychological concept of learning from the position, standpoint and perspective of learning subject.