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Nahnfeldt, Cecilia, Center for Gender Studies, Karlstad University
Nahnfeldt, Cecilia, Uppsala University
Närhi, Kati, University of Jyväskylä
Näsi, Matti, Department of Social Research, University of Turku
Näswall, Katharina, Department of Psychology, University of Canterbury
Nätti, Jouko, Tampere University
Nätti, Jouko, University of Tampere
Nätti, Juoko, Department of Social Research, University of Tampere
Nergaard, Kristine, Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research
Neupane, Subas, Tampere University
Nickelsen, Niels Christian Mossfeldt, Aarhus University
Nicolaisen, Heidi, University of Norway
Nielsen, Birger Steen, Department of Psychology and Educational Studies, Roskilde University
Nielsen, Karina, University of Sheffield
Nielsen, Kent J., Danish Ramazzini Center, Department of Occupational Medicine, Herning Regional Hospital
Nielsen, Kjeld, Department of Sociology and Social Work, Aalborg University
Nielsen, Klaus T., Roskilde University
Nielsen, Mette Lykke, Aarhus University
Nielsen, Mette Lykke, Aalborg University
Nielsen, Mette Lykke , Aalborg University
Nielsen, Peter, Department of Political Science, Aalborg University, Denmark
Nielsen, Peter, Aalborg University
Nielsen, René Nesgaard, Department of Business and Management, Aalborg University, Denmark
Nielsen, René Nesgaard, Aalborg University
Nielsen, Roy A., Fafo Institute for Labour and Social Research
Nikander, Pirjo, Tampere University
Nikkanen, Risto, University of Tampere
Nilsson, Kerstin, Department of Work Science, Business Economics and Environmental Psychology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, & Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University
Nilsson, Kerstin, Kristianstad University
Nimb, Ika Elisabeth Ejstrup, The National Research Centre for the Working Environment
Niska, Miira, Tampere University
Nordberg, Camilla, Academy of Finland Research Fellow, Senior Lecturer in Social Work and Social Policy, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki
Nordberg, Tanja Haraldsdottir, OsloMet
Nordlund, Madelene, Umeå University
Nouf-Latif, Faten, Umeå University
Nummi, Tapio, University of Tampere
Nyberg, Anita, Gender Studies, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Nygård, Clas-Håkan, Tampere University
Nygård, Olav, Linköping University
Nyroos, Lina, Department of Scandinavian Languages,Uppsala University
Nytrø, Kjell, Centre for Work Management

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