2025-02-04A thesis summary is a short writing that presents the most significant scientific and practical contributions of a dissertation from the perspective of work-life research within the Nordic context. The maximum length of the thesis summary is 1500 words and the dissertation was defended within a year prior to publication Read more about New: Publish your thesis summary in NJWLS
We have made a change to our privacy policy
2024-11-24Information about a user will be saved as long as the user is active. If the user has been inactive for a year, the user will be contacted by e-mail. If the user does not respond to this e-mail, the user account and information about the user will be deleted after 1 month. If the user has participated in editorial work (e.g. as an editor, guest editor, or reveiwer), or has submitted an article to a journal, the user account and information will be saved for 3 years after the last editorial job or submission.
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Ai and robots in working life
2024-04-22This special issue has deadline for extended abstract (1000 words): October 31st 2024. Deadline for full paper: March 31st 2025. The special issue is expected to be published in the second quarter of 2026. Abstracts and manuscripts should be submitted to Journal manager Bo Carstens, Please also contact Journal manager Bo Carstens,, if you have any questions regarding submissions. Read more about Ai and robots in working life