Editorial Board


Researcher with special obligations (forskningsleder) Anders Buch, VIA University College, Denmark (Editor-In-Chief)

Associate professor Anna Ilsøe, FAOS, University of Copenhagen, Denmark (Editor)

Research professor Cathrine Egeland, OsloMet, Norway (Editor)

Senior Researcher Johnny Dyreborg, The National Research Centre for the Working Environment, Denmark (Editor)

Research professor Jørgen Svalund, Fafo, Norway (Editor)

Senior Researcher, Adjunct Professor Kaija Collin, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (Editor)

Professor Kristina Palm, KTH; researcher at Karolinska Institute and Karlstad University

Centre director Mari Teigen, CORE Institute for Social Research, Norway (Editor)

Professor Mattias Bengtsson, University of Gothenburg &  University of Borås, Sweden (Editor)

Research coordinator Merja Kauhanen, Labour Institute for Economic Research, Finland (Editor)

Assistant Lecturer Pelle Korsbæk Sørensen, UC Absalon, Centre of Nursing, Denmark (Editor)

Professor Petra Lindfors, Stockholm University, Sweden (Editor)

Associate Professor Sidsel Lond Grosen, Roskilde University, Denmark (Editor)

Research director Sissel C. Trygstad, FAFO, Norway (Editor)

Assistant professor Stefan Hardonk, University of Iceland, Iceland (Editor)

Associate professor Tomas Jungert, Lund University, Sweden (Editor)

Senior lecturer Tuija Koivunen, University of Eastern Finland and Tampere University, Finland (Editor)