New: Publish your thesis summary in NJWLS


A thesis summary is a short writing that presents the most significant scientific and practical contributions of a dissertation from the perspective of work-life research within the Nordic context. The maximum length of the thesis summary is 1500 words and the dissertation was defended within a year prior to publication.

A thesis summary is written in a more accessible style than traditional scientific articles. These texts highlight the most essential scientific and often practical content of the dissertation. Typically, they do not delve deeply into aspects such as methodology but instead focus on presenting the results, their relationship to previous research, and connecting the topic to a current phenomenon or societal discussion related to work and society.

The process of the PhD defense may vary across country and university, however, if the PhD gives a popularized and easily understandable introduction or overview of the dissertation in the beginning of the defense, the thesis summary could be based on that. However, the oral presentation is not published as is; instead, it is edited into written form to match the style of the publication.